Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week 1

We did it, we survived week one walking and eating better.  I knew we could do it, that was neve the issue.  The issue was, could we do it and at the end of the week be able to continue.  We can.   The walking was not bad.  My feet are not happy, as they are flat and slappy and apparently not meant for conventional shoes.  But that will improve over time, and I'm willing to walk through the pain.  The meals were not bland or boring as we feared they might be.  The dishes were not bland and unsatisfying.  Things tasted pretty darn good.  I have a big hatred for all things tomato and onion, but I'm learning to incorporate the tomatoes (and pick out the onion).  David has been extremely patient with my weird eating.  He's been the cook all week, and has done a fantasitc job!  He's been taking good care of me; he is packing my snacks for tomorrow as I type this blog.

I'm looking forward to making it through next week.  I think each week it will get easier, and each week we'll be a little bit healther.  Any thing that gives us more time together, and with the people we enjoy is worth it.  Now if only I could convince my body to be more awake in the morning.  I finished the book I was reading at night, so maybe instead of reading I'll just go to bed, maybe that will help. ;)


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