Sunday, June 22, 2008

A New Beginning

Tomorrow, Emily and I start down a new path: a path to health and fitness. We're going to begin a process whereby (hopefully) we'll eat right and make exercise a part of our daily lives. We've been inspired by the YOU Diet and are going to give it a go. We're all ready. We've purged our house of bad foods (okay, we ate most of it), we bought good running shoes for our :30 of daily walking, we raided the local Safeway and bought $300 of healthy groceries, and we've planned our menus for the week. The only way we'll fail is if we fail to support each other. We've never let each other down in any other respect before, so we can only succeed with lots of patience, encouragement, diligence, and love.

Wish us luck!




Emily said...

We did purge (and we didn't eat it all). I think the hardest part is going to be hauling my rear out of bed at 5:30 AM. The nice thing about this waist loss plan is I can have some chocolate and I don't have to completely give up coffee, I just have to mofify a bit. I know we can do it. I have confidence in you. You are my rock, if you can do it I can do it. Just kiss my warlocks goodbye. HA HA! (really) /cry

David said...

I'm hungry. I've had a bit of a low-level tummy rumble all day. I've eaten my breakfast (oaties, fruit, and skim milk), morning snack (thin black bean soup), and now my lunch (lettuce, chicken, a coupla cherry tomatoes and home made, low-taste dressing), but I still feel like I could jam an entire pizza into my desperate and apparently gaping maw. I'm sure this is just a shock to my system, which is used to a somewhat constant stream of fat, carbohydrates, and more fat. At least, I hope that's all it is. I know I'll get used to it; I WILL persevere!