Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Treat Me Like Crap and Ask For A Favor?

I really do not understand people sometimes.  Maybe I really did come from another planet?  I saw Superman at an impressionable age and was convinced that I to came from another planet.  After all, there was no way I was biologically related to the people I called "Mom" and "Dad."  So it was just wishful thinking, but it did help me get by. 

So back to my rant.  This person in the office has been treating everyone like they aren't woth this persons time.  This person and I used to get along pretty well.  Then, everyone in the office decided not to put up with petty crap, and things went to hell in a hand basket.  Now, this person will not speak to me unless something is needed from me, or if I speak first.  This is fine.  I can live with that.  I'm getting to the point of being pretty independent and not needing this persons help.   This person is obviously not happy with me, because interactions with this person and I are strained where as interactions with this person and some of the other coworkers have not changed.  They get stories and laughter.  I get one word answers and occasionally the look.  Not this look.  More like this look.   

So today this person comes to me, at the last minute, with something that didn't get finished and now this person was expecting me to do it.  This person was out off and on all day, and just "didn't have time."  WTF ever.  It's been on the calendar for a while, and this person had the email asking this person to do it this morning.  Even if I don't want to do something (like this person with said task I was getting) I get it done and try not to hand it off to someone else.  If I knew I had stuff to get done, I wouldn't be going out for long lunches.  I would be going to one of my coworkers early on and just say "Hey, I have x to do and don't think I'm going to be able to get to it, would you mind?"  Or, I would just do my job.  I did the task when it was given to me in the last hour of the day.  I wasn't happy about it.  I had to suck it up and do it.  I would have felt better about it if I didn't feel like this person was treating me like a leper.  Okay, it's not even really that bad, but I'm venting so it has to be exciting.  Things are not finished between this person and I.  My new mantra is I will not be a door mat.  Today's task had to be done, it was due today.  If there wasn't such a tight deadline I would have pushed back.  I'm just going to be smart about picking my battles, so when I do I don't come across looking petty and spiteful.  I'll leave that up to this person who is not making friends in the office at the rate this person is going.


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