Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week 1

We did it, we survived week one walking and eating better.  I knew we could do it, that was neve the issue.  The issue was, could we do it and at the end of the week be able to continue.  We can.   The walking was not bad.  My feet are not happy, as they are flat and slappy and apparently not meant for conventional shoes.  But that will improve over time, and I'm willing to walk through the pain.  The meals were not bland or boring as we feared they might be.  The dishes were not bland and unsatisfying.  Things tasted pretty darn good.  I have a big hatred for all things tomato and onion, but I'm learning to incorporate the tomatoes (and pick out the onion).  David has been extremely patient with my weird eating.  He's been the cook all week, and has done a fantasitc job!  He's been taking good care of me; he is packing my snacks for tomorrow as I type this blog.

I'm looking forward to making it through next week.  I think each week it will get easier, and each week we'll be a little bit healther.  Any thing that gives us more time together, and with the people we enjoy is worth it.  Now if only I could convince my body to be more awake in the morning.  I finished the book I was reading at night, so maybe instead of reading I'll just go to bed, maybe that will help. ;)


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Still Alive

I know I haven't posted for a few days.  I am still alive (David too).  We've just been tired.  We have continued the getting up in the early morning and walking for 30 minutes.  We are eating smart, cooking a lot, and finding ourselves exhausted at the end of the day.  I think the changes have been good, I've noticed I have more energy during the work day, and I'm feeling less blechy after eating.  The best part, I think as I am starting to get used to the idea of getting early, I am sleeping better at night.  I know the weight is not going to come off fast (and I have to keep reminding myself of that), so I'm going to try to judge things on more than just that.  Feeling better, having more energy and sleeping better make me just has happy as dropping a size or some pounds.  I'm so proud of my David.  He's been such a fantastic support.  He's been doing the cooking, shopping and being the best moral support I could ask for.  Thanks sweetie, I'm looking forward to more years with you!


Monday, June 23, 2008

We Did It!

We survived our first day of You on a Diet!  I realize it is only one day out of many, but it's a step in the right direction, which is a big thing after so many days of the wrong direction.  I'm very proud of my David.  He resisted the Bagel banshee, and I resisted the Dairy Queen demon.  We got up at 5:30 am and walked our :30 mintues.  I'm proud of both of us.  Tomorrow is a new day, and another step in the right direction.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

A New Beginning

Tomorrow, Emily and I start down a new path: a path to health and fitness. We're going to begin a process whereby (hopefully) we'll eat right and make exercise a part of our daily lives. We've been inspired by the YOU Diet and are going to give it a go. We're all ready. We've purged our house of bad foods (okay, we ate most of it), we bought good running shoes for our :30 of daily walking, we raided the local Safeway and bought $300 of healthy groceries, and we've planned our menus for the week. The only way we'll fail is if we fail to support each other. We've never let each other down in any other respect before, so we can only succeed with lots of patience, encouragement, diligence, and love.

Wish us luck!



Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What I'm Watching

I don't care what anyone else thinks, I think "So You Think You Can Dance" is one of the best reality tv shows on right now.  I look forward to watching it every Wednesday night.  Ths is the second week of actually seeing the couples do routines.  I have to admit as much as I like watching the bad tryouts, it does seem like there are too many nights of it.  Anyway, so tonight I haven't been terribly impressed, until Twitch and Kherington took the stage and did a Viennese Waltz.  Twitch is a freestyle dancer, not a Viennese Waltzer (did I just make up a word?).  Kherington is, just good at everything she does.  To see them do this dance together, to see the lines and the flow and the grace... this was the routine for me tonight.  I think they are going to be my favorite couple this season.  I can't wait to see what style they pull out of the hat for next week.  Having declared them my favorite couple, I do have to say there are a few other individuals in the top 18 right now that are worth watching.  I think once the have the top 10 dancers things are going to get intense, and be an enjoyable way to spend an evening.  Who knows, maybe I'll lose a million pounds and learn how to Krump.  HA HA!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Treat Me Like Crap and Ask For A Favor?

I really do not understand people sometimes.  Maybe I really did come from another planet?  I saw Superman at an impressionable age and was convinced that I to came from another planet.  After all, there was no way I was biologically related to the people I called "Mom" and "Dad."  So it was just wishful thinking, but it did help me get by. 

So back to my rant.  This person in the office has been treating everyone like they aren't woth this persons time.  This person and I used to get along pretty well.  Then, everyone in the office decided not to put up with petty crap, and things went to hell in a hand basket.  Now, this person will not speak to me unless something is needed from me, or if I speak first.  This is fine.  I can live with that.  I'm getting to the point of being pretty independent and not needing this persons help.   This person is obviously not happy with me, because interactions with this person and I are strained where as interactions with this person and some of the other coworkers have not changed.  They get stories and laughter.  I get one word answers and occasionally the look.  Not this look.  More like this look.   

So today this person comes to me, at the last minute, with something that didn't get finished and now this person was expecting me to do it.  This person was out off and on all day, and just "didn't have time."  WTF ever.  It's been on the calendar for a while, and this person had the email asking this person to do it this morning.  Even if I don't want to do something (like this person with said task I was getting) I get it done and try not to hand it off to someone else.  If I knew I had stuff to get done, I wouldn't be going out for long lunches.  I would be going to one of my coworkers early on and just say "Hey, I have x to do and don't think I'm going to be able to get to it, would you mind?"  Or, I would just do my job.  I did the task when it was given to me in the last hour of the day.  I wasn't happy about it.  I had to suck it up and do it.  I would have felt better about it if I didn't feel like this person was treating me like a leper.  Okay, it's not even really that bad, but I'm venting so it has to be exciting.  Things are not finished between this person and I.  My new mantra is I will not be a door mat.  Today's task had to be done, it was due today.  If there wasn't such a tight deadline I would have pushed back.  I'm just going to be smart about picking my battles, so when I do I don't come across looking petty and spiteful.  I'll leave that up to this person who is not making friends in the office at the rate this person is going.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Messed Up

It's messed up that the impending Monday can completely put a damper on the last half of Sunday.  The clock hits 4pm and I start thinking about Monday.  It's sad, because I still have Sunday to enjoy.  It was a lovely weekend full of relaxing and Jamba Juice.  I hate to see it go, but there is that stupid looming Monday sticking its tongue out at me and reminding me it is rapidly approaching.  Stupid Monday.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Love Weekends

Today was a lovely restful day.  I played World of Warcraft, surfed the web, watched a few movies and even did some laundry.  David bought me a Mango-a-go-go and some yummy chinese for dinner.  It was a loverly day.  Tomorrow will hopefully be more of the same.  The down time has been much needed, and very welcome.  Now if only the pollen and crap in tne air wasn't so evil, Daivd is having voodoo allergies and I feel bad for him.

One of the movies we watched today was The Other Boleyn Girl, staring Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Eric Bana (to name a few).   I like Natalie and Scarlett.  I think Eric Bana is a wanker.  I enjoyed the movie.  To be fair, I wasn't paying 100% attention because I was running around in World of Warcraft while it was on.  I should see it a second time before I really review it.  But from what I saw, I would certainly watch it a second time and I think that says something.

Okay, I'm rambling now.  That must mean it's bed time (or very close). :)


Friday, June 13, 2008

*Doing My Friday Dance*

After almost two weeks of vacation bliss this week at work was brutal.  I was going through some massive David withdrawls, I really enjoyed our time together.  The vibe at the office is just so tense.  I think being away from it for over a week where I was de-stressed and mellow only made it more noticeable.  I can only hope things will get better.  I think some things have, but it's this whole balance thing.  If productivity goes up, being a CJTC goes up as well.  It's a trade off.  I guess ultimately it will make me a stronger person.  I'm having to stand up for myself (I'm not getting in trouble, I just mean if I don't like something I'm learning to deal with it be not being little miss doormat).  I'm also having to think through whatever I do, but I am a good little bee and I don't practice activities at work that are frowned on.  I will have to thank my dad this weekend for the work ethic he help implant in my brain.  So this weekend has been much anticipated.  :)


Thursday, June 12, 2008


That stands for something.  I'm not gonna say, because it is not lady like.  It is part of one of my favorite lines from the movie Blade: Trinity.  I bring this up from work frustration.  We are having a bit of a retaliation situation (a mild one compared to what we see every day).  One of the staff had a poor evaluation, and is now trying to being down the wrath of God on everyone else.  So, every time we do/say/mention something about/to/in earshot of this person you never know what will happen.  I think, ultimately once things have shaken out a bit and everyone stands up for themselves things will be fine.  But for the time being, one has to wonder if this person knows how this behavior is coming across to the rest of the office.  All I can say is I'm glad it's almost Friday.  I'm looking forward to a nice weekend, at home, with my sweetie and our puppy.  Oh, and coffee/jamba jucies.  Must have the essental liquids of life (which would also include wine and gin and tonics).  


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Did It Again

So I'm really good at freaking myself out.  I don't need to watch anything on tv.  I don't need to read a book.  I can freak myself out with my own mind.  Impressive eh?  *rolls eyes*  What it boils down to is I'm a big frickin chicken.  If I take the trash out in the dark, I'm fine walking to the trash can.  The minute I turn my back on the trash can I have to bolt for the house as quick as I can.  I also get freaked out around open windows at night (which we have several of just for the sole amusement of our cat and because I'm too lazy to open and close them every day).  So what have I done again?  I'm up late, alone, watching Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel.  I love this show.  David and I watch it together.  Then we head up stairs together.  Together.  Together is good.  I am not together.  I am alone.  Alone bad.  As soon as this episode is over I am turning off the tv and working my way upstairs to bed as fast as I can, turning off the lights and NOT looking at the open windows as I go.  I promised David I would not scream as I launch myself into bed.  I guess I shouldn't launch myself into bed either, I might launch myself into cute sleeping David.

Tomorrow we were supposed to have photos take at work for the office web site.  This is bad.  I do not photograph well, speaking of being a chicken...  Thankfully they have been cancelled, not everyone could be present.  I guess it gives me time to decide what to wear, how to do my hair and all that other really stupid girl stuff.  Can you tell I'm rambling? 

Okay, I'm gonna try to finish this episode and head up to bed without being attacked by some dark force, lurking, as a result of my watching Ghost Hunters.


How I Know I Will Never Be A Vegetarian

Today I reflecting on me, who I am, and what makes me, well, me.  I remembered a paper I had to write back in grade school (3rd or 4th grade).  The assignment was to essentially write a little biography.  I mentioned my parents, probably my sisters, and maybe the cat.  The only other thing I said was, "I like meat."

That is still true today.  My favorite meal (some of which I had tonight thanks to my David) is steak, some kind of potato and artichokes.  This, of course, should be washed down with a nice dark beer.  I could not imagine not eating meat, or meat products (yes even the occasional hot dog-if you consider that a meat product).

There is certainly more to me than my love of meat.  It was just funny to remember that of all the things I could have said I liked (the color green, cats, my little ponies) I picked meat.  I guess I was a strange little fishie right from the start.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Renewed Love for Jazz

I am addicted to iTunes.

There: I said it. The first step toward recovery is admitting ones' addictions. I have many addictions, but iTunes is, by far, the most severe right now. For a while, I was addicted to World of Warcraft, buying woodworking tools, flying airplanes, but these addictions have mostly subsided. Of course, as we all know, addictions don't disappear, but they do recede and fade. I don't think my addiction to iTunes will fade quickly. There's just too much music out there that needs to be explored, and now that I'm not working 70 hour weeks, I have way too much idle time on my hands--a dangerous thing for any confessed (or otherwise) addict.

Right now, I'm listening to some truly outstanding jazz of Scandinavian origin (Denmark, Sweden, etc.); artists such as E.S.T., People Are Machines, Phronesis, Jazz Kamikaze, and others. Who knew that Scandinavia would be an exporter of awesome, straight-up and honest jazz? I should have known: I was intimately involved in the NYC jazz scene in the 90s; I just kind of lost touch. But my interest has gone from practically dormant to "on fire" in just about no time at all. This new-found interest in an old love has also awakened other feelings.

I have spent too much work time reminiscing about my musical past and thinking about ways in which I can once again make music and play. Sadly, I'm just not up to the task physically anymore (damn arthritis). This is a shame, for I was once a very good drummer and an excellent dog-house bass player. I would love to take up bass again, but I have way too many instruments as it is, and I think that if I were to come home with a new bass, or worse, a drum set, Emily would make me move into my workshop with the spiders. (Don't worry honey, I won't entertain that fantasy.) She's lucky, though, because more often than not these days, men my age are usually interested in re-living their 20s by buying fast red cars, and hooking up with loose young women. A bass or a drum set is hardly threatening when you think about it!

That's all for now. Back to iTunes surfing and daydreaming about jazz.



Monday, June 9, 2008


I am so glad today is over!  It means I am one day closer to the coming weekend, and that makes me happy.

I am sitting here watching this weeks new episode of Dirty Jobs and Mike Rowe is getting ready to castrate a horse.  Eeep!

Time to grab some hot chocolate...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ever So Happy To Be Home!

We are home safe and sound.  We had a really pretty drive home-the weather cooperated with us and let us see all the various mountains on our drive back.  We arrived home to a very happy to see us cat.  She scolded us pretty good with a series of very sad, mournful meows but we made up in no time.  I think she'll be happy to get back into our normal routine (even though David and I will be bummed about the return to work).

My David is the bestest David in the world.  He came and suffered through this weekend with me.  It was really nice to have him there, he was a support I very much needed even though it may not have seemed that way.  I don't think I could have handled/survived the weekend without him and I very much appreciate that he gave up his time to come be with/near me.  I'll figure out a way to make it up to him I am sure.

So here it is, Sunday night and I don't want to go to bed because it means Monday morning will arrive.  I like to do what ever I can to delay/postpone the inevitable, but I realize it is still going to happen.  I should try to go to bed at a decent time, but I am stubborn and I am going to stay up and watch The Soprano's.   

Hopefully tomorrow will not be too painful. 


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Almost Home

So the work part of my weekend is over.  Today was the last day of our retreat.  All that remains is the group dinner at La Rosa, and then tomorrow morning we will be heading back home to our dreamy bed and our fuzzy cat.  I miss that fuzzy cat.

The meetings have been good, and I'm glad I was able to be a part of them this year.  I feel like I came away with a better knowledge of what needs to be done moving forward, and some things that I would like to do/work on to help the firm progress technologically.  Last night we had a group dinner at Merenda.  It was First Friday in Bend (all the business were open and doing everything they could to draw people in, there was local art and music around every corner) so down town was kind of crowded.  The dinner was very good.  There was good wine, and yummy chocolate cake at the end.  I'm sure tonight will be fun, there is a margarita (or two) in my future.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Where Are We Now?

David and I are just the busy little travelers.  Just as we recover from our whirlwind trip to Nebraska we find ourselves in Bend.  I have a work related function here the next few days and David kindly agreed to accompany me.  We are staying at the lovely Mt. Bachelor Village Resort.  Puppy is staying home and holding down the fort for us while we are away.  We just had a find Bacon Blue Cheese burger at the Deschutes Brewery and now as I digest my lovely meal I am thinking about the cookies we brought.  I am such a chocoholic!  Tomorrow means an all day meeting, but at least I get to enjoy my evening with my sweetie.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I love Jamba Juice!  One finally opened near our house and we just visited it for the first time this afternoon.  Mango-a-go-go makes me happy!  Thank you my David for taking me! ;)


Monday, June 2, 2008

So... ?

Sew buttons on your underwear, as my Grandma Hermann used to say. In other words, I don't really have all that much to say, but my far better half was chiding me for not posting, so...

I have really been enjoying my time off. This is only the second time I've had this much time off, and it's the first time I haven't felt guilty about it. I really haven't had a single lingering thought about work, and I don't imagine I will until Sunday night. I haven't even had a single urge to log in and read email. Doing so would mean having to boot my hateful Winblows machine; and why would I do that when I have this pretty silver MacBook to play with?

So what have I accomplished? Well, I visited Emily's Nebraska kin and had a great time (modulo the tornado scare, but you can read more about that below); I played some WoW--nothing significant, just some fooling about; with Emily's help, I hung one of the four cabinets I purchased for my violin-making workshop; and I did a whole lot of nothing--blessed, sweet, nothing. :) I am a man at peace.

Tomorrow might be a bit more productive. I need to get my truck detailed (yes, I'm lazy, get over it), and I need to finish hanging the remaining three cabinets. I'm sure I'll squeeze a nap (or two) into that hectic schedule. :)

