Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What I'm Watching

I don't care what anyone else thinks, I think "So You Think You Can Dance" is one of the best reality tv shows on right now.  I look forward to watching it every Wednesday night.  Ths is the second week of actually seeing the couples do routines.  I have to admit as much as I like watching the bad tryouts, it does seem like there are too many nights of it.  Anyway, so tonight I haven't been terribly impressed, until Twitch and Kherington took the stage and did a Viennese Waltz.  Twitch is a freestyle dancer, not a Viennese Waltzer (did I just make up a word?).  Kherington is, just good at everything she does.  To see them do this dance together, to see the lines and the flow and the grace... this was the routine for me tonight.  I think they are going to be my favorite couple this season.  I can't wait to see what style they pull out of the hat for next week.  Having declared them my favorite couple, I do have to say there are a few other individuals in the top 18 right now that are worth watching.  I think once the have the top 10 dancers things are going to get intense, and be an enjoyable way to spend an evening.  Who knows, maybe I'll lose a million pounds and learn how to Krump.  HA HA!


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