Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Did It Again

So I'm really good at freaking myself out.  I don't need to watch anything on tv.  I don't need to read a book.  I can freak myself out with my own mind.  Impressive eh?  *rolls eyes*  What it boils down to is I'm a big frickin chicken.  If I take the trash out in the dark, I'm fine walking to the trash can.  The minute I turn my back on the trash can I have to bolt for the house as quick as I can.  I also get freaked out around open windows at night (which we have several of just for the sole amusement of our cat and because I'm too lazy to open and close them every day).  So what have I done again?  I'm up late, alone, watching Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel.  I love this show.  David and I watch it together.  Then we head up stairs together.  Together.  Together is good.  I am not together.  I am alone.  Alone bad.  As soon as this episode is over I am turning off the tv and working my way upstairs to bed as fast as I can, turning off the lights and NOT looking at the open windows as I go.  I promised David I would not scream as I launch myself into bed.  I guess I shouldn't launch myself into bed either, I might launch myself into cute sleeping David.

Tomorrow we were supposed to have photos take at work for the office web site.  This is bad.  I do not photograph well, speaking of being a chicken...  Thankfully they have been cancelled, not everyone could be present.  I guess it gives me time to decide what to wear, how to do my hair and all that other really stupid girl stuff.  Can you tell I'm rambling? 

Okay, I'm gonna try to finish this episode and head up to bed without being attacked by some dark force, lurking, as a result of my watching Ghost Hunters.


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