Monday, June 2, 2008

So... ?

Sew buttons on your underwear, as my Grandma Hermann used to say. In other words, I don't really have all that much to say, but my far better half was chiding me for not posting, so...

I have really been enjoying my time off. This is only the second time I've had this much time off, and it's the first time I haven't felt guilty about it. I really haven't had a single lingering thought about work, and I don't imagine I will until Sunday night. I haven't even had a single urge to log in and read email. Doing so would mean having to boot my hateful Winblows machine; and why would I do that when I have this pretty silver MacBook to play with?

So what have I accomplished? Well, I visited Emily's Nebraska kin and had a great time (modulo the tornado scare, but you can read more about that below); I played some WoW--nothing significant, just some fooling about; with Emily's help, I hung one of the four cabinets I purchased for my violin-making workshop; and I did a whole lot of nothing--blessed, sweet, nothing. :) I am a man at peace.

Tomorrow might be a bit more productive. I need to get my truck detailed (yes, I'm lazy, get over it), and I need to finish hanging the remaining three cabinets. I'm sure I'll squeeze a nap (or two) into that hectic schedule. :)



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