Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Meh

I can't say this enough:  Mondays are the Suck!!!

I'm having a hard time waking up, first of all.  Then, after I did manage to get myself out of bed and showered I was greeted downstairs by gifts from the cat's stomach which it was my turn to clean up (David does more than his share of cleaning up her little presents, we try to follow the rule of "you find it, you pick it up" and he works from home so I think he finds it more often than I do).  So there was no eating this morning.  For some reason my tummy just wasn't playing fair.  At work, it's just so hard to jump into things.  My brain is still grasping for any last possible remnants of the weekend, which is just silly.

I think the coffee finally kicked in (with the help of some Dr. Pepper) just after the lunch hour, but then I was just more ready to go home.  Thankfully, David was on the same page and I came home to big hugs and a test bottle of wine (we are playing around trying to find an assortment we enjoy) open and waiting.  All I know is I'm really glad this Monday is just about behind me.  I don't know about motivation for the rest of the week, but I'm sure I can pull it out of a vat of coffee. :)

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