Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hello? Creativity? :(

It is really hard to sit down and write something every day. It's not just the coming up with what to write, it's also about finding (making) the time to sit down and do it. I know I could get up early and spend even thirty minutes just writing about anything, but I can't even be bothered to haul my tired shell out of bed in the morning to walk. Walking is something I need to be doing even more than writing. So that leaves the end of the day. After working all day it takes what's left of my meager brain power to help my already tired because he's worked all day too husband make something for dinner. Then we round out the evening watching some tv or reading. At the end of the day all I'm good for is staring at a tv or reading words on a page. There is no creativity to be found. I'm not saying life has sucked it out of me, but in a way it has.

So where did it go? How long has it been gone? And how the heck do I get it back? We are hoping to start walking in the mornings-have just been waiting for the weather to be not so cold and wet. After a few weeks of that I find I have a little more energy and am less tired at the end of the day. Maybe I can find a way to lure the creativity in. You know, create a false sense of a spark or something and then trap it in a whiskey or wine bottle. I'll feed it some chocolate and cheese to keep it from being too pissed, and maybe if I'm lucky we'll become friends again.

I'll let you know how that works out for me.

1 comment:

Mel :) said...

You are too hard on yourself! :( as much as I love the rain and winter, I kind of feel like spring is the taker of creativity, More specifically, the transition from winter to spring. It's just icky out, but with brief glimpses of sun... Not too inspiring. :P Maybe May will be a more creative month than rainy April. :)