Monday, March 30, 2009

Wii Fit

So what is the deal with Wii Fit?  You might have to explain it to me like I'm 5 years old.  I assumed it was something someone could buy to work out at home or maybe help maintain your current weight and have fun while doing it.  I know a little about Wii Fit, my sister has it and sweetly gave us a demonstration.  I know you get called fat, and chastised for not being on frequently, but after a conversation (one sided I have to warn you) I over heard today I am confused.

I was standing in line at Rite Aid to pick up a prescription.  All the elderly in Keizer were out and about so I had a long wait.  While I was standing there, waiting, one of the pharmacists started talking to one of her friends on the phone and I heard her side of the conversation.  They were talking about Wii Fit.  Here is my recollection of the conversation, I'm going to kindly fill in what I imagine the friend was saying:

Friend:   Wuz up my homey!
Pharmacist:   Working, recovering from my weekend.
Friend:   I hear that!  We were together, remember?  Hey, I'm still hung over and puking and yucky, could you cover my shift tomorrow morning?
Pharmacist: The weekend was great!  I can't cover for you tomorrow because I have my spin class.
Friend: Spin class?  Why are you wasting money on that?  Don't you have Wii Fit?
Pharmacist: I do, but I need to loose weight before I use it.
Friend: Huh?
Pharmacist: She tells me I'm fat, and scolds me for not logging in regularly, ha ha.
Friend: Isn't that what it is supposed to do?
Pharmacist: Well, my daughter actually got it for the skiing.  But the work out part looks good, I just need to lose some weight before I use it.
Friend: (probably called her a dork or something)
Pharmacist: (laughing)  I know, I know.

And then they go on to a new subject.  But I'm standing there probably thinking the same thing the friend was.  She is going to spin class to lose weight to be able to work out with her Wii Fit.  I really don't understand.  I mean, I'm not saying I want the game to call me fat, but it is good motivation to lose weight to make it stop, right?

Anyway, I just had to share.  People never cease to surprise me.



Sara said...

Well some people do need to lose weight before they can use it. There's a weight restriction on the wii balance board is 600 pounds, but can only track up to 330 (this may or may not have been her problem) for the parts that measure weight. Then there are the people who don't like being told how fat they are or having it accessible to anyone using their system. My approach is it's fun when I'm doing it, even when it's mean.

Sara said...

Oh and it tells you you're fat until your BMI is 22 at the highest. That is sort of more realistic for the Japanese population and should have been amended for the US like the weight limit.

Emily said...

I don't think anyone really likes being told how fat they are... lol. The Pharmacist was not a large lady, so it just seemed really silly to me. But having said that I can understand being self-conscience. It was just a bizare conversation to be having in such a public place.

Side note, I do NOT want a Wii Fit. It sounds really mean!