I am the last of that generation that grew up knowing what a rotary phone is, or that tvs and computer monitors used to be huge and bulky and not slim/flat screen. There are numerous other things like no seat belts, no bike helmets and no cell phones or internet and the mix tape. All of these things are pretty big changes now. Some of these changes are good, even if they can make life more complicated at times. It's not always a good thing that your boss/family can reach you 24/7 but then it's nice to always have a phone with you because you never know when you will be stuck with a flat late at night near a part and that guy with a hook hand is coming for you. Assuming you have cell coverage that situation just got a lot less scary. If you don't have cell coverage... eep!
Henry the VII knew how to
woo the ladies |
Then there are sentimental things that are no longer taking place, like the writing of love letters. Email and text messages have pretty much done away with snail mail correspondence anyway. I'm not saying it's not nice to get the "I <3 u" text or sweet email because it is. It's just different than going out to the mail box and having a handwritten letter from someone you love waiting for you.
Remember in
Grease when the Pink Ladies were having the sleepover at Frenchy's? Marty was writing to stack of pen pals and offered one to a sad Sandy to cheer her up. Before Sandy went off to write her letter (which actually meant she was going to go off and sing a song) Marty spritzed the pink paper with some of her perfume. Girls don't do that anymore.
I still have a keepsake box that has special little tokens and things as well as a few love letters from my hubby. I can't help but think that my nieces may miss out on something like that. One is old enough to text, the other is still in diapers. It's harder to look back at text ten or twenty years later. I love being able to open my little box and see the notes and cards. I have letters from people no longer with us anymore, which are just as precious to me as my love letters.
It just seems sad that future generations are missing out on sentimental things like this. I am going to cherish the ones I have and make sure I tell my nieces about the time their uncle sent me the sweetest card...
I recently was trying to explain a rotary phone to Will, but the concept is just so completely alien to him that he could t quite picture it. Sometimes I wish we could go back to those days, but then I remember that would mean giving up my iPad and I'm happy to stay in the current time! ;) letters are definitely another thing tho. I have special letters from the past, too, particularly ones from people who are no longer with us. They are like keeping a small part of that person with us. Mom sends cards/letters to Will and Maddie just for that reason. :) we will just have to make sure to encourage these kids to write real letters and why they are important! :)
I have a box of special letters too ;) I'm happy to be a pen pal to W and Peanut any time! :D
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