Thursday, May 13, 2010

If It Comes Out of Your Dog...

it's your poop to pick up.  That should be LAW.  Well, it sort of is in our neighborhood rules.

So you are thinking "Whoa, where is this coming from?"  Well, let me tell you.

David and I are walking again and every morning I find myself having to dodge dog poop.  It's not just one random occurrence.  It's repeated and multiple.  Oh, and it's DISGUSTING.  I'm told by the rules in my CCR that I'm not supposed to let my cat out (and people are suppose to clean up after their dogs).  Puppy is strictly indoors.  She poops in a box that David or I clean.  She in no way poopulates the neighborhood.  Why is it no one else seems to follow these guidelines?  Really, I'm just tired of lazy people getting away with being lazy.  I'm tired of dodging poop.  People of Parkmeadow-If I see you with your dog, or I know who your dog is, and it poops without you picking it up I am going to say something.  That, or you will find a pile of poo on your porch....

end rant. ><


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