I was absolutely dumbstruck. I couldn't believe that it was possible for a person to be that stupid and out of touch; but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Afterall, all one has to do these days is turn on the television to see how far we have fallen as a nation. We have become a nation filled with stupid, lazy, arrogant, and self-serving people. It is very sad and I truly fear for our collective futures.
Our government, sadly, is the very reflection of its people. Government of the people, by the people, for the people; remember that? Well, forget about the "for the people" part, because that philosophy has gone the way of the Dodo bird; but of the people? That part is spot on.
I honestly don't know what our future portends. I do believe that we have it in us to pull ourselves out of this mess. It will take discipline and something Americans haven't experienced in a long time: personal sacrifice. I am willing to do my part. Are you willing to do yours?
McCain and Palin's recent campaigning has been more like mob riots than rallies. It's likely strengthening the base, but it makes people like me cringe.
It's a broad stereotype, but a good chunk of the religous right supports Republican candidates, like McCain. If they attended any of these recent campaign rallies (and I'm sure they did), I find it ironic that they either 1) engaged in shout-outs like "kill him [Obama]!" or 2) stood by and did nothing while someone next to them said them. I remember reading Jesus preaching peace and tolerance.
Maybe they're reading a different Bible than I did.
There is no bigger den of hypocrisy than religion in general and Christianity in particular.
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