I was watching the news this evening and they were running a story on McCain. McCain was at a rally and taking questions from the audience. He hands an older woman the microphone and she says something to effect that she doesn't trust Obama. Because he's an Arab. Um...

I was absolutely dumbstruck. I couldn't believe that it was possible for a person to be that stupid and out of touch; but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Afterall, all one has to do these days is turn on the television to see how far we have fallen as a nation. We have become a nation filled with stupid, lazy, arrogant, and self-serving people. It is very sad and I truly fear for our collective futures.
Our government, sadly, is the very reflection of its people. Government of the people, by the people, for the people; remember that? Well, forget about the "for the people" part, because that philosophy has gone the way of the Dodo bird; but of the people? That part is spot on.
I honestly don't know what our future portends. I do believe that we have it in us to pull ourselves out of this mess. It will take discipline and something Americans haven't experienced in a long time: personal sacrifice. I am willing to do my part. Are you willing to do yours?