Tuesday, April 9, 2013


We took last Thursday and Friday off to make a long weekend, and we spent said long weekend doing something insane.  We purged.

Now don't let your mind go to some dark place where you see us vomiting, or going to a really dark place and doing some sort of cleanse you don't talk about in polite company.  We rented a trash bin and we cleared out the last 10 years-worth of stuff we had been holding on to but were not using.

I'm not going to deny it, I have pack-rat tendencies (I even named the trash bin, Bluey).  I come by it naturally; I think my father's side of the family tend to hold on to things.  So between just holding on to things, and then just having the things you just never got around to tossing (broken chairs, you get the idea) we had some stuff to get rid of.  We've been talking about doing this for awhile so when we finally committed to doing it we came up with our game plan for what absolutely needed to go in that bin first and worked from there.  I'm proud to say thanks to David's hoisting and our ability to work together we got all the stuff out of the house we wanted to get rid of.  There are, or course, still things to toss but now it's more of an as we are reorganizing rooms we toss things.  Very manageable, and very therapeutic to de-clutter.

I think it's really part of the new leaf we are turning over.  You saw my list of goals, where I am listing little things to keep me motivated to get healthy and take better care of myself.  It seems the desire to get healthy and make changes includes the house.  It make sense.  If I'm trying to make smarter, healthier choices for myself I would want to surround myself with smarter, healthier things to make my (our) goals easier.  

It feels good.  It feels right.  I'm tired of feeling squishy and frumpy.  This weekend and our success in operation de-clutter encourage me to continue doing what I need to do.  Now, I'm looking forward to going through each room and making it more like the people we are now rather than the people we were 10 years ago.  

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