Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 3-More Colonial Williamsburg

It was another busy day of walking around and checking things out!  Here are todays pictures, enjoy!

There were just a few muskets in here.

One or two muskets.

Okay, maybe three or more.


There was a leatherworker on the other side of the Magazine.  It was nice and cozy and smelled like leather.  When we got there he was starching burlap for a bag he was working on.  You can see the brush he was using towards the bottom of the picture.

The courthouse.  Proceedings were going on, and shit was getting real, yo.

The Prentis Store.  This is one of the places that may have (from time to time) goods actually made on site.  Those seem to get snatched up in a hurry, unfortunately.  We were looking for come candlesticks made in the foundry.  Also, this is an adorable building!

The Printer (the Binder is across the way, and wasn't open yet).

A cat that had adopted the printer shop.  The man working the press told us she lived in a house down the street with a terrier and a couple of corgis and her preference was to spend her time at the printers getting poked by children instead of enduring time with the dogs.  

Look at all the little individual letters.  Each one has to be set, just so, before it can be printed.

Here is what the tray of little letters looks like on paper, pretty cool!

Lots of tiny little letters.  With the poor lighting and the tiny letters I'd go blind (or insane).

One of two printing presses.

Those things in his hands have the ink on them.  He gets a little bit of ink on them and then rubs them together to get an even coating and then applies them on to the trays of tiny little letters.  He puts the paper on top, slides it into the press, presses each page and presto-you have part of a newspaper!  He was printing on linen paper, which had to be dried before it was set.

Pretty little bit of water by the Printer and Binder.

We like tools, so be ready for some tool pictures!

More tools and work areas.

He is making shiny ammo

Cute little cabinet

I like the anvil

I also liked this little chest of drawers.  I like the little knobs.

I can't remember what this is :(
Edit: this is a pole vice, and it is very cool!  (Thanks David!)

A spoon and nails

Work work work

It looked like he was making a poker of some kind (perhaps for naughty children).

They were adorable-and didn't want to move when the guy was ready for them to do so.

Also, they were quiet large and probably poo larger than our cat!

The Silversmith.  This is where the ring maker sits, we saw a few works in progress.

One of the work areas.

Look at all those lovely tools!

This building thinks it's a unicorn!

Cool pulley!

The Binder.  You can see samples of what the do on the table on the left side of the picture.  On the right side, there is sewing taking place.  We got to watch one of the two men stitch pages together that will later be bound into a nice book.

Paper cutter!

I don't want to get anything stuck in there...

The fireplace made this shop nice and cozy!

I liked the boar (or pig?) on this sign.

Social squirrel-he was talking up a storm from his log perch!

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