Sunday, August 10, 2008

Week 7

I have had a little too much wine to drink, so this is going to be a short update with possible extreme typos.   David and I were finally able to look at some prediet and current photos and see that magical things are happenimg to us.  I'm still hating my pictures, so I'm in no hurry to post for the world to see, maybe in a few more weeks.  I don't see us going back to our old ways.  I even got up and walked with a migraine this weekend.  I am very proud of my David, and all that he has put up with (from me) and over come.  It's nice to have found something that really works, and feels good doing.  It hasn't been easy, but it's been logical and ultimately rewarding.  We went to a wedding this weekend (that's why we took some new pics of us) and had a really lovely time.  For the first time in a long time plastic chairs were not uncomfortable, and it's okay to share a piece of cheese cake.   I think I'm going to regret the two glasses of wine, but with it being Sunday and tomorrow being one of the most evil days of the week it was a must to.


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