Sunday, August 31, 2008

Feeling Lucky-Even More So Than Usual

I am one of those sappy people that really does thank the powers that be (be that God, or someone else) for the loving husband I have and the wonderful life we have together.  I'm not in any way saying I'm better than anyone, but I am thankful for what I have.  The could-have-beens, and what-ifs, well, I would have felt trapped and I would have been miserably trapped in who I was in high school.  Just the thought is enough to drive me to the drink.

What brought this on?  Well, I was looking around MySpace today.   They have this feature that lets you look for/reconnect (ha ha) with people that may have been your classmates.  Once in awhile I check it out, just to see if someone that didn't treat me like a fat piece of crap joins.  I was looking tonight and found a lot of people are on MySpace now.  Looking at the pages of the "popular" group was interesting.   It looks like quite a few ended up returning to our home town.   It also looks like serveral people married their high school sweetheart, and are still friends with the people they were friends with in high school.  I thank god that I didn't marry either of the two guys I dated in high school (sorry guys-no offense).  I did have a few friends, and none of them, well at least none of the ones I still talk to, live in LC.  Some how, we managed to get away and become better people than we were.  I appreicate my parents for encouraging me to get out, get away and find myself (and I really should drop them a random thank you note).  I also need to give my David a big thank you for supporting and understanding as I grow and find myself.  Thank you for making it so easy to never ever want to look back.  If only I had known all this back then, I think it would have made high school less of a living hell, but I guess that would mean the realization now and what I have now would not seem so sweet.  I am content. :)


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