Friday, August 1, 2008


SYTYCD has announced the final four, and they are exactly who we thought they should be: Katee, Courtney, Joshua, and Twitch. Mark and Chelsie have been eliminated! I'm still sad over the early ejection of Will, but I would have had a really hard time picking amongst Will, Joshua and Twitch. One of them had to go and no choice would have been a good one.

Now that the top four are named, I think that if I had to pick a favorite to win, it would have to be Joshua; such an amazing talent. But I don't really care who wins at this point. They're all great and each has a very bright future in dance.

My faith in humanity thus restored, I shall await the finale with bated breath.



1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm once again looking forward to the finale. The world has sort of returned to right after the correct eliminations took place last night. I agree, I would be happy for any one of the top four to win. I don't really have a favorite, or at least I like them all enough that it's hard to pick just one. I'm looking forward to all the routines, the finale is a fun show. :)