Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 4

We made it through to week 4!  Today actually puts us over the 1 month hump.  It really hasn't been has impossible as I thought it was going to be.  I don't really miss the things we have cut out of our diet.  I don't miss eating out (I miss not having to clean up sometimes when I'm really tired, and I'm sure David misses not having to cook when he's really tired), and I don't miss all the junk food.  I really thought I would, and I thought it would be really hard to resist the temptations that are all around me.  It really hasn't been.  I can say no to the bread basket at lunch meetings.  I can walk past/stand next to the cookies by the work counter and not even bat an eyelash.  I can sit next to the work candy bowl and not hear the Laffy Taffy calling to me.  I will admit, getting up early to walk is still the suck some mornings, but we have done it EVERY morning even though the snooze button has been calling.  Everything just feels right.  I think I might even be starting to really feel better.  David has been a trooper, and I appreciate him for being my rock.  Thanks sweetie!!!!


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