The last part of our day we spent in Disneyland. Since this was David's first time, we headed to the place he really, really wanted to go. We went to visit Tigger! Of course when we found him, we found out we had to get in line to see him, and we had to go through Pooh and Rabbit first. I was bummed I didn't get to have my picture taken with Eeyore. That will just have to happen on our next trip! :)
We had to visit Pooh first.
Then it was on to Rabbit. I think Rabbit was afraid of Onua.
I love how happy he looks in this picture! It was very cute, he ran up to Tigger like a little kid for his hug, and Tigger gave him a proper Tigger cuddle right away!
I got to get in on the fun. As we bid Tigger a fond farewell, he gave me a hug smack-a-roo on the head, complete with satifsying smacking sound.
We are waiting in line for the Haunted House ride.
I'm not really sure what Deader is doing here. I don't know if this is a poor balance moment, or a "ta-da" moment. I guess I'll never know!
Mongrid, I think he was tired of having his picture taken.
A mother-daughter moment as we stand in line for Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
~ and Mith
Kori likes to strike this pose.
Some how Denotar got stuck with the happy fun backpack. I guess he's probably happy he didn't have to hold hands with Onua and skip around the park. :)

I love that I got to be with David for his first trip to Disneyland. It was nice to be able to share the experience with a group of people that we completely enjoy. This was my fourth trip, and it was just as much fun as all the previous visits. I do have to say it seemed more crowded than I've ever experienced it before, which made me a little sad. People are so self-absorbed and rude, that it made doing things that should have been enjoyable very frustrating. To get from point A to point B you had to weave your way through people and hap-hazardly parked strollers, meanwhile avoiding being bashed into by strollers in use. If I was a dishonest person I could have made a fortune in stroller stealing. (I just have to say that I would never do something like that, but when you are pissed at people all kinds of nasty thoughts go through ones mind.) The good times far out weighed the bad, and I think that is because of the 11 other people with us. The day went by so fast, there were still rides to be riden that we didn't get to. It just means we are going to have to make another trip down. We had a great time!