Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Three Sleeps (Well, Two Now!)

I know it's been a while since I've written here.  In a way it's good because it means I've been busy (maybe doing things I can write about when I am not so busy) but then in a way it's sad because I'm not sitting down and writing.  I just can't seem to find the balance I need to get everything done that I really want to.  That's something I really need to work on.

David is out of town for three sleeps trip.  While he's gone I use that time to try to sort through my crap and do some cleaning.  I'm hoping to do some of that this time while he's out.  I really need to reorganize and clean up my "creative" spaces.  I have things in the wrong places, and essentially I think I have the environment all wrong.  So I am going to work on that.

This time is also going to test me, to see if I can continue with the good habits we have been putting in place. Such as, making smart food choices and hauling my lazy butt out of bed in the morning to walk.  I am pleased to report, so far so good!  No binge eating or late night snacking or stopping somewhere and getting junk food of any kind.  Had a safe meal at a favorite restaurant with a friend for dinner.  Got up this morning and walked (admittedly it was a shorter walk, but I slept like crap so it was kind of amazing I got out of bed at all).  Ate a good breakfast, packed a good lunch... I totally have this under control.



David said...

I'm very proud of you lady. Keep it up! <3

Emily said...

Thanks sweetie! You keep me going-and your own amazing process is good encouragement! <3