Friday, May 31, 2013

Life and Updates

It's been a while again since I've posted.  I've pretty much been a tired grump.  But it hasn't all been bad.  

Work has been overwhelming-lots to do and not always the most efficient way to do it.  Also, with additions to the staff it has made more/extra/additional work for me and I don't think I quite anticipated that.  I'm getting to do less of the "fun" stuff I enjoyed doing like drafting pleadings, and am having to do more the stuff I find less stimulating like administrative stuff.  Hopefully this is just a temporary thing while we all figure things out.  The good news is, I did finally get a chance to make some headway thing things that were getting backed up and causing me some anxiety and I'm feeling a little less out of control.  Here's to hoping that continues!

David and I are doing great!  We had a lovely long weekend together were we just sorta hung out, did stuff around the house, played WoW and drank some lovely wine.  We've been staying on our program of smarter eating, and walking every day (except Sunday-gotta let the body have a day to heal) and I feel like it's been paying off.  David is looking great-I am so proud of all of his hard work and progress!  I don't know how much he realizes he has changed since we started this...he is inspiring me to stay on track!  Yesterday I realized I really shouldn't be wearing the pants I had on, as they were pretty much falling off.  In fact, most of the pants I've been wearing are too loose (something I NEVER thought I'd say!), so I took a trip through my own closet and realized the pants I was waiting to be able to fit, now fit!  That was actually a huge moment for me.  I'm motivated to continue!

When I look at things all typed out here, I am again reminded how lucky I really am.  David is the best husband/partner/friend/everything I could ask for.  We are starting to get things in order around the house and in the workshop.  We've been causually playing WoW again and enjoying the new content with out the stress or pressure to play or level.  We are feeling better (despite work stress and the weather making it hard to sleep/get up sometimes) and working on being more active.  Things can only get more awesome, right?


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