Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One Sleep Down...

Three more to go.  Yesterday was a really frustrating, depressing day.  Today was kind of just a side step. I didn't get much sleep, so I have been fighting a headache off and on all day.  I came home and did some cleaning, and now I'm feeling a little under the weather.  Maybe I'll get to bed before 1am.  If not, I definitely need to ramp up the coffee tomorrow.  On a positive note, the work computer is working.  Our computer guy came in and made it better.  Tomorrow I should be able to crank out a bunch of stuff.  Yay.

On a much fluffier note... here is a silly picture of puppy:

She's been very cute and uncharacteristically sweet.  Right now she is curled up right in the middle of David's chair snoring.  Sorry David, both your ladies snore. :(  But puppy is really really really cute when she does! 

Despite being a little depressed, and feeling a little run down (and really really missing my husband) I think this is going to be a good year.  I can't wait to see what is going to happen.  And best of all I get to to it all with my best friend.  Three more sleeps sweetie, two by the time your read this!

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