Monday, February 6, 2012

The Monday that Sucked

Any day my David gets on a plane and flies away from me pretty much sucks.  Today was just a big ol ball of suck.  David had to fly away for four sleeps.  The cat and I spent part of the morning meowing at the door and wandering around as if looking for something.  Then at work today, my work computer decided it did not want to play nice.  All but one of the programs I need to use at work decided it wasn't going to work anymore.  My web browser wouldn't open, Word wouldn't load, and Adobe wasn't playing with anyone.  So I felt like a waste of depressed space today.  One can only hope tomorrow I will get some help from our computer guy.  I know tomorrow means only three sleeps until I get to hug my sweetie again.  For now, it's just me and the cat.  She's currently sitting in David's chair taking a bath.  I think I'm going to go curl up in bed and watch an episode (or three) of True Blood.

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