Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bauman's Farm, 2011

This year David and I got to share the farm with my parents.  It was their first visit, and hopefully not their last.  My sister Melanie and her family were able to join us this year.  This was not their first visit, but it had been awhile since they had been there and a lot had changed.  Ben and Sara were going to join us, but Sara was getting over a cold so they met up with us after for lunch and visiting.  It was a lovely day.  Here are some pictures from the farm.  I have to say, I loved seeing all the things through the eyes of W and Peanut. I can't wait to see how they tackle things next year!

Getting ready for the fun!

A word of encouragement and she's off!

Waiting for apple canon fun

Figuring out the fort

W has things figured out!

Crazy, in the crazy cage!


I kind of look huge, but aren't we cute?

I'm the apple of someone's eye!



W had a lot of fun with the peddle cars!

It's about time to head home for lunch!

Thank you Bauman's, for another fun way to celebrate fall!

Hopefully this is something we can all do again next year.  It was nice to hang out as a family and watch the kids go down slides and eat apple cider donuts.  Thanks everyone for coming down and hanging out with us at one of our favorite places!

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