Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why I Love Safeway...

Well, this is me making lemonade out of lemons.  Stupid stuff happens to me at the store (nothing bad David-just people not thinking before they speak) and the positive is it gives me something to come home and blog about!

I was at Safeway today.  I've been cleaning out the fridge and pantry and am restocking before David comes home, and this was my restock stop.  So keep in mind, I was buying more than one of each item (not that that should matter).  I was in line with my cart of stuff and was pouting about how disappointing the produce was.  I picked up an onion and my thumb went into it *shudder* :S.  I loaded up my purchases, leaving the multiples of heavy things in the cart.  Before she started scanning I let her know how many of each item I had.  One of my multiple purchases was some wine.  After the holidays we had made a dent in our wine rack and I was taking the opportunity to stock up.  I had 12 bottles total in my cart.  The checker says to me "That's some wine!  That's like what my dad would buy and he was an alcoholic."  I was thinking "What?  Excuse me?"  I looked at her and said "Thank you for comparing me to an alcoholic, and pretty much implying I am one.  You know nothing about me.  Maybe I'm stocking up for a party or a book club meeting.  Instead you assume the worst."  She looked taken aback and sort of tried to apologize. I looked at her, I probably had that cold pissed look I get when I have to deal with another crappy experience at the story, and said, "Thanks, don't worry, I have 12 bottles of wine to comfort me."  This wasn't a checker I had seen before.  I don't know if it was a new person, or if this was not a normal shift for her.  At any rate, she only mildly ticked me off.  I may have flustered her for the rest of the night.  I think that's a win for me.  Off to go drink one of my 12 bottles....



David said...

That's my girl! Give 'em hell honey! :) :) /proud

Emily said...

I stand up for myself now :D