Sunday, June 21, 2009

In Hemet

So I guess I should explain why we were at the airport and flying away! As all our friends know, we are kind of World of Warcraft (WoW) geeks. We have been playing for at least 4 years, and we have been playing with the same group of people for at least 3 years. Most of our in-game friends live close to each other in CA, a few are further away like Alabama, Texas and Maryland. One thing led to another, you know, planets re-aligned and angels sang, and the idea to have a get together came to fruition. Some of the out of town guildies were going to be there, and David and I decided it was time to take a trip. It became a real life raid of Hemet (where our guild leader lives). In total, there are going to be 13 of us, and I can't wait for the fun to start! So anyway...

We survived our Billy Ray sighting, and our flight. We found our rental car (a lovely copper/orange colored Dodge Avenger) and made it to the Hotel. The Hampton Inn and Suits in Hemet is lovely! Once we got cleaned up and refreshed from the flight we headed over to Laurie's house to start the fun! It was great to finally meet the faces behind the voices! Laurie (Herf) and Erik (Onua) came out and greeted us right away. Alexis (Mith), Rachael (Hemma) and Sean (Mini-Onua) were next. We got to meet the crazy pets we hear about during raids. The dogs and rats were so sweet! David fell in love with Hemma's rat, Zero (or fattie-depending on who you talk to). Next up was dinner at Red Robin. Doug (Deader) and MJ (Kori) were holding a table for us, so we headed there and got to meet two more people. Here is a picture of Kori approving of Onua's choice in beer and Deader oversees the moment:

Deader and Kori

After dinner we went to Kenny (Denotar) and Lee's (Mongrid) parent's house to watch a movie on their big tv. Onua had brought the movie Gran Torino, so we settled in and had a movie night. There are not words for that movie, I'll let David blog about it if he feels so inclined. All I will say is I feel motivated now to work on a will, in my own words. :) We called it after the movie. We need sleep. Tomorrow is going to be another full day, and more people to meet!


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