Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Bunnies are Eating Sand

So there is a funny story behind the title.  One of my friends back in High School would do whatever she could to get out of going to school.  One morning she deliriously (and I mean in the faking way) told her mom that "the bunnies are eating sand" and her mom let her stay home from school.  It has since been one of my favorite random phrases and I'm excited that it actually works as a title for todays activities.

David and I spent some quality time with some real beach bunnies this afternoon:

This is one of our favorite things to do when we visit the Inn at Cape Kiwanda.  They sell bags of bunny food and we go over to the camp ground behind the inn and feed the hungry bunnies.  They come out of nowhere when they hear the sound of the food bags.   We had fun walking around feeding different groups of round happy bunnies.

Pretty Bunny
This is the sweet bunny that let us pet him.

I look forward to next years bunny feeding frenzy! :)



David said...

Bunnies! There are sooo cute. :)

It kind of looks like I'm trying to squash the bunny's head in the last photograph, but I'm not; I'm just scritching it behind its ears. I was amazed that a wild creature would allow me to do that.

I am the bunny whisperer. :)

James Thomson said...

Them bunnies look like good eatin'.

Emily said...

*gasp* Bunnies aren't for eatin!