Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Wine makes a crazy day way more... fuzzy.  Whem things are fuzzy, things just don't matter.  The person who invented wine was very very smart.  It has been a long month, and I anticipate more of the same for October, except I get to have a weekend getaway date with my sweetie that I am looking forward to very much.

So, speaking of sweetie... when I'm texting with my iPhone it's like I'm typing with a Johnsonville Braut or something, and I typed sweetit instead of sweetie.  I find that really amusing right now.  I also find this really amusing:  ha ha! (be sure to have your sound on)  When I figure out a way to make that my ring tone, well, I'm sooo gonna do it!  

Alright, that is all for now.  


1 comment:

David said...

That's my lady after just a glass and two-thirds of wine! :)

(Hehe... the word verification for this comment is vjvbl, like how a child might pronounce vegetable!)