Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Title Here

I'm sitting here feeling a little bit pouty.  I really shouldn't because in life there are just some things that have to be done and nothing that can be done about it except to let it happen.

Short story version:  David is out of town for 2 sleeps.

I should really count myself as lucky.  It's only 2 sleeps, instead of 5.  I got to spend a lovely morning with him dining on bacon and snuggling on the couch (not at the same time).  And most importantly, I know my sweet husband wants to be home with me rather than away.  He doesn't see a business trip as a vacation from me, and I can't even begin to put into words how much that means to me.  Vacations are something we do together, and we have one in the works-you know, something lovely to look forward to. :)

So in short, I'm gonna quit being a baby and I'm gonna suck it up.  In 2 sleeps my sweetie is coming home to me and all will be right in my world again.

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