Monday, October 1, 2012


It's that time again.  My sweetheart is out of town for the week and I'm counting down the time with sleeps.  In four sleeps he comes home to me.  One of those sleeps is probably already in progress for him.  I am a little more restless when he is out of town.  I tend to stay up later watching really stupid crap on tv.  Did you know TLC has a show about Amish kids who leave their homes and go to New York to see what it's like to not be Amish?  Seriously?  It's a sad day when I miss shows like Little People Big World.  Thank Joss it wasn't that Honey Boo Boo show.  I'm ashamed I even know who that is, but I take comfort in the fact that I had to google it (and I think it is appropriate considering how horrifying everything surrounding Honey Boo Boo is) to find out what it was.

Tonight while watching crap, I did some useful things around the house.  I self cleaned the oven which is kind of a hateful, hot and stinky project.  It is actually a good thing to do in the winter, it heats up the downstairs nicely!  But it needed to be done, and I had time to do it.  I also picked up some of my crap, took care of some filing and chased the cat around a bit.  She gets feisty when David is out of town.  But in defiance of that sentence she is sweetly curled up a chair length away from me in her little cat bed looking as sweet as can be.  Brat.

I just looked at the clock and I think I need to work on getting some sleep.  Tomorrow is going to be a good day.  After work my sister and the kids are coming for a visit.  I'm sure I'll have some pictures and stories to blog tomorrow.  I better get some sleep so I'm not the grumpy aunt tomorrow.

4 sleeps...

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