Friday, August 3, 2012


I'm having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that it's already August.  Granted the seasons don't have as much of an impact on me with the whole not being in school and not having summers off.  Still, I can't help but feel like "Seriously?  It's August?!"  I have accomplished not much.  I hate summer.  It gets up into my sinusssessses (yes, I know) and makes me feel like I'm on the cusp of turning into a zombie pretty much from the end of June until the beginning of October.  Considering that, I'm going to count getting up and going to work every day (and actually doing work) as an accomplishment.  Yup.  That's just how the summer is for me.  /headdesk


Tami said...

Keep on truckin' love bug!
Getting out of bed is an accomplishment!
I can't wait til autumn! I know you can't either.

Mel :) said...

Getting out of bed is ABSOLUTELY an accomplishment, and going to work is a second!! ;) I'm done with the heat and ready for fall, too! :P