Tuesday, October 13, 2009

People Just Really Suck Sometimes...

Post to come later. :(

So this is still not the whole post, but my sister (last weekend, see how slow I am!) asked about this post and I feel like I need to offer up something other than more to come later.

So a few weeks ago now I was doing my weekly shopping at our local Safeway.  The store was moderately busy, there were only a few lanes open and there were at least 5 people waiting in each line.  This is not uncommon.  Back in the day when I was a checker at a grocery store we were supposed to call for additional checkers when there were two or more people waiting in line and there were less than 2 lanes open.  But whatever.  So I was minding my own business waiting in line.  Behind me was a group of... well, pigs (I'd call them men, but they were not of respectable conduct so pigs it is.).  There was the parental pig, and four piglets with him that could have been sons/friends/cousins/brothers or all of the above.  I really don't know how much I want to say about these pigs.  Typing this is just making me feel icky all over again-hence my delay in posting.  Basically, they were making inappropriate comments about my body, what was wrong with it and what they wanted to do to it if they had me alone.  I have never felt so dirty, degraded, self-conscience-all of those description words that mean feeling really really bad.  What did I do?  Probably the coward thing.  I did nothing except pretty much wish I could die.

So, I'll write more later.  It's just kind of one of those things... *sigh*


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