Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted to this blog. I'm not sure why that is, I mean, I have lame excuses. I think ultimately laziness is the reason but that seems really lame.

A lot has happened, obviously. We've been in the "new" home for almost 5 years now. I've changed jobs a few times, we've changed cars, we've gone on a few adventures, and we still have puppy. Oh, and we find ourselves living through a pandemic. I know I haven't blogged recently because it's hard to put things into words, which is something I really should be working on if I think I want to write. I know. I'm complicated.

The world we are living in now is, at a glance, depressing. That isn't to say there aren't pockets of hope and hints of the core of things not being "damaged" but they can be hard to see especially if you have a hard time getting through the isolation feelings. We've rather rapidly moved from being a social society to one where we are no longer allowed to collect in large (or even small) groups. No more sitting in Starbucks with a friend catching up over coffee, or going to dinner with friends (or anyone right now). No more movies out, or gym trips (not that I went to the gym). We are working to flatten the curve, and for the most part have made some progress. But the thing is, we may get to a point where we are allowed to be out again, but this virus isn't done. It's not going to just go away. It's going to come back, like the flu. So these changes, staying 6 feet away from people, and no large groups is probably going to become our new normal. This may even be after there is a vaccine. Dining out is going to look different. Gyms and movie theaters are going to have to make changes. I see the drive thru being a very popular thing. Maybe the drive thru movie theatre will make a victorious come back! That wouldn't be so bad.

For me, change is hard. And I'm a hugger. I'm glad I don't have to isolate myself from David. Thank goodness we are both healthy, and we were not separated when shit hit the fan (sorry). We both have the good fortune of being able to work from home. I'm have a bit of a struggle with it as I'm used to being social and in an office with people. But I'm doing it. David is a good example, and an even better partner. If I didn't have him I don't know what frame of mind I'd find myself in at this point. I have a hard time visualizing what things are going to be like as our new normal unfolds. What is going to happen to places like Disneyland or Disneyworld? What about Las Vegas? Not a favorite place, but it's such a crowd inducing place what is social distancing and not being able to be in large groups going to look like for gambling and seeing shows?

I don't know what the future is going to look like. Right now the world is face masks, limited entry, take out only, working from home (if you are lucky enough to do so), and no contact/social distancing. I hope we come through this okay.

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