Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Ugh.  I'm blogstipated.  Is that a thing or did I just make it up?  I think it's a thing.  I'm making it a thing, it's a thing.  I told my friend that earlier, that I was blogstipated.  She laughed, and told me I should blog about that.  I told her it would be short post.  But, after some thought, I guess a short post is better than no post.  So here goes, be ready for a really rambly read.

I've been trying to write a book review, because two of my goals this year are to read more and blog more.  I thought it would be a good way to show I'm doing the reading, and hopefully it would help with the blogging.  Every time I sit down to work on it I feel like I'm writing a book report.  I hated writing book reports in school.  So, there is a lot of sitting and staring at the blinking cursor and a mostly empty post page.

I'm sure part of my problem today is I am a husk of Emily.  I didn't get much sleep last night.  David is out of town for a few nights and I just could not fall asleep.  For once the house wasn't making weird noises, the cat wasn't acting strange (well, she was unusually sweet and photogenic), and I was mellow.  Ended up not falling asleep until 2 am.  I think I slept through my first alarm that went off at 5:30 am.  Maybe I rolled over and shut it off, if I did I have no memory.  I vaguely remember the second alarm going off at 6:30 am.  David called me not long after, thankfully, so then I was awake.  But I'm dragging today.  I have a bit of a lack of sleep headache, and I'm just not feeling fully functional.

our pretty girl
Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight, so I can be more complete tomorrow.

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