Sunday, November 17, 2013

Checking In

I'm still here!  Life has just been really busy.  I would have blogged about some of it, but I have this real problem about comfort level of what I share.  David and I are pretty private people.  I think I"m more comfortable sharing than he is, but I have my limits.   And when it comes to things going on in our lives, I have a really hard time determining the line between okay and not okay.  And, rather than talk about something David would rather I didn't... I just don't blog.  That's not a complaint, I'm a firm believer of "when in doubt, don't do it" and I'm comfortable with that.  But that has made blogging kind of complicated lately.  Also, I'm not exactly comfortable blogging about work stuff.  I'm pretty sure my boss still reads my blog, and in my line of work I know the ramifications of blogging about work stuff.

So it's safe to say, work and personal stuff have been keeping me pretty occupied lately.  Until I can find the balance between okay and too much information that's just gonna have to work for now.  We are still here, just have a lot going on.  I'll try to be better at sharing some stories of the ridiculous-I do still shop at Safeway. ;)

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