Friday, October 21, 2011

Time Sure Flies!

11 years.  That is how long I have been married to the love of my life.  It may not seem like a long time, and to others it may seem like too long.  Well, I’m of the school that there is never enough time with the one you love.  Never.  And to me, 11 years is a pretty big deal. 

In the 11 years we have been together we have watched other marries fall apart.  We have experienced losses together, something not all couples can survive.  We have experienced disappointment, our immediate family consists of the two of us and a cat who only tolerates us on the third Tuesday in months that don’t end Y, H, T and R.  We have experienced fights (more of them my fault than I’d care to admit) but we don’t go to bed mad (often).  And David has put up with more than his share of my crazy train.  

In the 11 years we have been together we have watched our extended family grow.  We get to be the Uncle and Aunt to some pretty amazing kids.  We have faced every one of the things in the above paragraph that could of pushed us apart and only grown closer together.  We have a cat.  We enjoy our time together going to places we both enjoy and doing things we both enjoy (beer).  We have laughed more than we have fought (at ourselves and some of the really stupid things we have seen).  And I know what the shit comes down (Zombie Apocalypse) David is going to be there for me 100%.  

In the 11 years we have been together I have learned a lot.  Marriage is not easy.  Marriage is worth it.  The best things in life, you really do have to work for.  It’s like this intricate song you don’t get the sheet music for, you have to figure out the notes as you go.  Sometimes you are going to hit a wrong not or miss a note.  You just have to keep playing and work out those runs/cords.  You can’t get caught up on the small stuff, you have to play through the tough stuff and most importantly DON’T GIVE UP.  When you take a moment, like I am now, to look back you don’t remember all the wrong notes and mistakes.  You see this beautiful body of music you contributed to.  That part that sounded strangely like Bjork was mine, sorry.

For the last 11 years I have been incredibly lucky.  I am proud of all we have worked through and experienced together.  I’m lucky that I have a husband who is in this for the long haul and sees what we have is something worth all the work.  Thank you for the 11 years of love, security, growing and incredible memories.  Here is to more years of our funky song and hopefully some head-bites.  I love you sweetheart!

~Emily (quack)

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