Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Sonic=Poor Execution

Sonic has come to Keizer, and they had their grand opening this weekend. While David and I were out and about today, we thought it might be a nice treat to stop in and get one of their ices (because I have never had one).

Our new Sonic has a funky entrance. You have to actually turn into the apartment complex next door to get to the driveway. So we do this, and are stopped before we even set tire in the Sonic parking lot by a young lad with a walkie-talkie. David rolls down his window to see what the hold up is. There are no cars, so we aren't sure why we can't just proceed on our merry way. The lad asks us if we want the patio or a stall. David tells him neither, we want the drive through. The lad makes a face indicating that this might be a problem. He turns slightly away from the window to talk into his walkie-talkie but we can still hear what is said. He says to walkie-talkie dude "Um, they want the drive through." We hear the walkie-talkie dude mumble something incoherent. David turns to give me his "what the heck" face. The lad turns back to the window and tells David to pull forward. Now we are turning into the driveway that leads us up into the actual parking lot. We have maybe the front bumper in the parking lot before we are stopped by a second lad with a walkie-talkie. He asks us the same question, and David gives him the same response. This lad also makes the same face that made it seem like we asked if we could go to the moon to place our order. He turns away from the window to address walkie-talkie dude. Mean while, David and I are getting irritated because now we can see that there are maybe three people on the patio, 3 cars in stalls and no one (NO ONE) in the drive way. We hear him say "They want the drive through." And we hear walkie-talkie dude give that a negative. Did I mention there is no one in the drive way and they aren't super busy? The lad turns to us and you can tell he has seen the look on David's face and does not want to repeat what walkie-talkie dude said. "Um, we're not taking anyone in the drive thru right now..." he sort of stammers. "Seriously?" David says. "There is no one there" he points out. The lad turns and looks, and can't seem to come up with a good defense. Meanwhile, David and I have pretty much decided they have lost our business and are going to just leave. The lad says "just go to the drive thru." David says "you know what, since it seems to be such a problem we'll just go somewhere else" and we leave.

I won't be giving Sonic any of my business. I've heard the food isn't that great, and it's not really stuff I want to be eating. So not only will I not eat their crap, but I also won't be supporting a business that can't seem to figure out how to treat their customers.


1 comment:

buttscratch trogg in the dark corner said...

OOo! Banded together! I love their tator-tots, but I too will refrain from Sonic! I didn't know they treated my lovlies like crappy dungeon goblins! No excuse..that's just silly and not right! No more sonic for this girl <3