Friday, February 20, 2009

Computer Love *dreamy sigh*

I just have to say I love my Mac.  I love that I can plug things into it, and they just work.  I love that I can take it places with me, and it just works.  I love that I can sit here and play with my blog, while I add my favorite cds to my iTunes collection.  Right now, "The Wall" is happily loading its way into my collection to be reunited with many of my other favorites.  I'm looking forward to making many new beautiful playlists which will keep me humming while working, or will provide me with twirling around the house music (thanks to the super sexy iPod/iPhone dock we purchased with our beyond sexy tv and sound system).  Maybe I'm just happy because the sun is out (but it's not too toasty) and it's Friday and I have a weekend with my David to look forward to. :)


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