Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We Have Not Fallen Off the Wagon

So I haven’t done a diet up date in a while.  This is not because we’ve fallen off the wagon and are trying to forget we ever tried.  It’s because it has pretty much become our norm instead of our diet.  Of course we deviate from it from time to time, especially with the holidays and we are recovering from that and are getting back on track.  The thing I have noticed is that in general, we are thinking about things differently and making some smarter meal choices.  Sure we ate a fair amount of things that we shouldn’t have, but instead of eating everything we normally would have we only picked a few favorites instead of all of them.  The hard thing is, is we still have a ways to go, so when we put even a little bit of weight back on (seriously, even 5 pounds) we can really feel it.  It’s hard not to be a little discouraged, at least for me because I know my track record.  But I have to look at the positive.  I did not have to dig out any of the clothes that are too big.  I am not going back to that wardrobe, and neither is my David.  It has been harder to get the exercise in, the weather was pretty cold and awful for awhile, and then we both have been experiencing some aches and pains.  David has been a trooper, and has been my hero for keeping me on track.  It’s been nice to have the hateful exercise bike in the house for those really bad days, and it’s nice to be able to walk with David when he works from home.  I need to remember our walks are not just good exercise time for us, it’s also time with my sweetie where it’s just the two of us and the great outdoors.  I cherish my time with him, anyway I can get it. ;)  The other change is now I get to do the cooking.  I’m having to learn some new tricks, and change some of the things I used to cook with, but David assures me that I am catching on quick and so far he hasn’t had to go hungry.  I have to say yet again, that I couldn’t have a better partner on this getting healthy adventure.  Thank you again David for looking out for me, and our future.  Thank you for keeping me on track!  You are doing great, and I’m proud of you!


1 comment:

David said...

Whoops! Not sure what just happened (stupid Blogger).

What I tried to say is that you are an awesome partner too. Everything we do together we do well. :)